Help detect motor function loss disorders efficiently.

Remy takes care of your loved ones behind your back, while making it a fun daily activity for them. Detect onset of medical conditions before it is too late.

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The Problem

More than 1 million people in India and 10 million over the world are known to suffer from Parkinson's disorder (we have no idea how many more are yet undetected).

That along with with neuro-motor dysfunctions, like Bell's Palsy, ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), PLS, PBP (Progressive bulbar palsy) are often detected late because of lack of awareness of detection of early onset symptoms, ignorance and the dismal neurologist-patient ratio of our country.

And this is not a static problem, it continues to grow day by day.

The Bigger Picture to Look at

People suffering with severe forms of depression and obsessive compulsive disorders tend to not participate in their day to day activities due to their neurological degradation stemming from the mental health problems.

They need that extra push, or that subtle positivity to get on with the day.

What's worse is, this is more common than most people think.

Challenging the Problem

The solution we propose is Remy. A friendly companion app which tracks people's motor function performance everyday.

For some people, just having that daily push of motivation, the confidence that there is someone rooting for you, that there is someone looking out for you everyday, makes all the difference in the world.

We hope to bring a companion to people who seek that. In the future, we hope to provide personalized feedback through Remy by utilizing deepfake technology and advanced NLP models.

Our Aim behind Remy

We cannot replace a doctor's diagnosis, or even try to augment it, but we can monitor the people suffering with the mentioned disorders on a daily basis on multiple paramaters like body mobility, facial expression diversity and ability to draw shapes.

Providing a professional with such crucial data can be vital, and bring about all the change in the world in their diagnosis procedure.

It is not an easy thing to deal with, but we hope to make it easier.

Our Team

We are a team of undergraduate developers who are enthusiastic about making a difference in these trying times.

Anubhav Bagri

App Developer, ML Kit integration, ML model training


Suhit Agarwal

Web Developer, Application Graphics, ML model training
